11th Floor, Building 3, Nanshan Zhiyuan Chongwen Park, 3370 Liuxian Avenue, Nanshan District, Shenzhen 518055, Guangdong, P.R.China
0755-2690 5062
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We, on the way

In order to let employees to get close to nature, exercise physical functions, and relax pressure of work, from October 28th to 29th, all members of the PolarisIC came to Tiantai Mountain in Hong'an County to carry out a hiking and expansion trip.

Figure 1, hiking up the mountain

Hiking began in the afternoon of the first day. The pleasant scenery made everyone happy physically and mentally. After completing the first stage of 12 kilometers hiking goal, most of the team chose to continue sprinting for the last 3 kilometers to reach the top. The difficulty of the last 3 kilometers was greatly increased, and there was a large angle climbing of hundreds of meters, which was a great challenge for everyone. But along the way, everyone helped each other and encouraged each other. Finally, he successfully completed the 15-kilometer hiking task and reached the top of the mountain.

Figure 2. Group games

The next day's Frisbee game is both interesting and challenging. In the group competition, everyone enjoys the fun of sports and strives for their respective teams at the same time. After that, "Drawing a Blueprint Together" is a game that requires all the staff to work together to complete. Under the organization of excellent project managers and the full cooperation of each member, The four paintings completed by the four groups are finally perfectly assembled into a complete picture.

Figure3, We complete the blueprint drawing together

The two-day expansion was very short, but we saw the confidence and courage of the team to pursue higher goals, the tenacity in the face of difficulties, and the collaboration in the face of complex tasks. The mission of "making visual sensing more agile and efficient" will be achieved with the joint efforts of such a group of excellent partners!